Care for your clothes while Travelling

Keeping your clothes clean and fresh can often be tricky while travelling and it can often be costly to rely on expensive hotel services. However, Sally & Rachel have found with a few simple tips and tricks, you can easily tackle the task of washing your clothes while abroad. 

1. Clever packing

1. Clever packing

When it comes to travelling, packing the right clothing items can make a huge difference. Try packing your lightweight, quick-drying fabrics that are easy to wash and don't take up much space in your luggage. Then choose your versatile clothing pieces that can be mixed and matched to extend their wear.

2. Handwash your Clothes

2. Handwash your Clothes

Handwashing is an easy method to wash your clothes while travelling. The Clothes Doctor eco-friendly travel wash is fantastic, a mineral based detergent which comes in a powdered form that guarantees leak free travelling and gets you straight through airport security.

To get started, fill a sink, basin or bath tub with cool / lukewarm water and pour in one third of the travel wash. Swish the water so the detergent and the water mingle. After a few minutes, submerge your clothes in the water and agitate them in the water gently to remove dirt and stains. Be
careful not to stretch or pull your clothes so you do not ruin the fabric.

Leave your clothes to soak for up 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with clean water. Be careful to sort your washing carefully before washing, keep white, coloureds and dark items separate .

Squeeze out excess water without wringing - you can try rolling them in a fresh dry towel. Hang or lay flat to dry. 

If you have any special clothes, such as a silk dress or a cashmere cardigan, then do the same process as above but with a more specialist detergent, such as the eco liquid silk detergent for silks and delicates or Wool Detergent. Sally and Rachel decant a small amount into a travel sized empty bottle to take with them.

3. Refresh, rather than washing 

3. Refresh, rather than washing 

For those travelling with a check-in suitcase, the Steamer Water Spritz instantly de-creases and refreshes your clothes - so if you can’t hand wash your items spray this directly onto your clothes. Not only will they smell of  freshly washed laundry, but the cleaning agent also inside means you can get even more wear before needing to wash.